Bi Color Angel - Reef Safe?


Iv had a bi color angel for about a year and a half... And have recently just noticed him picking at some LPS.... I had a open brain get wasted in a matter of days... My favites had some flesh recession when i first got it... and a trumpet coral that was nice and fluffy to days ago at a LFS is now not fluffy.
I was just wonder on what other peoples experiances with the Bi-color angel were.


Most angels are not reef safe some do good for awhile but sooner or later they will start chowing on corals. I had a yellow tang in my 55 for awhile then all the sudden he decided he wanted to eat xenia and he did a number on it in just a couple of days. Anyway had to get rid of him. You never know. :thinking:

mr. guitar

When I had mine it didn't bother anything in my tank. Now I have a Coral Beauty and it's not botherin' any of my corals.