Bi-color Angel


I'm thinking of making this my next fish, does anyone have any experience or opinion on these fish or angels in general.


New Member
i have had two, they are beautiful but sometimes difficult to keep alive. when you look for one, make sure it is active and feeding. ask the store to feed it for you also watch yellow tangs around it, some tangs pick on them.feed it seaweed selects if you can, the green one, mine liked it.


Dont buy a large one(over 2"), they aren't as hardy. Deffinatly fined were it came from before you buy it,philipines ones wont live two weeks.Mostly the ones from Bali are good.Make sore they are alert and eating.Good luck!


I've had great luck with fish recently, but I'm 0 for 2 with the bi-color angel. Follow HOWLNSOUND's advice. Good luck. COOP.


New Member
I've had 2 Bi-Colored Angels, one lasted about 4 months and the last one (meaning I'm not going to get another one) lasted about 2 weeks. I'll just admire them from the LFS.
good luck.