Bi-Color Dottyback psedochromis


I have a Bi-color psedochromis. Im curious if it will attack a lettuice nudibranch, and some scarlett hermits? I know there are semi-aggresive and that they are a carnivore. I'm needing some info before I make a purchase. The psedochromis i've had for about 7 months.
Thank you!!


Active Member
No, I wouldn't worry about it. I've seen them pick at small shrimp before, but as long as the nudibranch isn't food size, I think you'll be fine.


The nudi and the crabs will be fine. I hated mine because he pestered small gobies and shrimp. Very nasty little thing that went back to the LFS.


Active Member
oh, and the scarlets will be fine. I have 30 in a tank with a 7 inch niger trigger. I know, they are not supposed to be that aggressive. I've kept a queen trigger before, which IS pretty much the most aggressive, and my niger isn't too far from the queen I had. So, yeah, your hermits will be fine.