bi color pseudo


i would like to buy this fish but i cant find any info on it.. does anyone know a diffrent name for it.. i need to know if its reefsafe. thanks for any info.:confused:


Active Member
I kept one of the bi-colors for a while. Very nice looking fish but, a mean little bugger. I ended up trading this fish in when it started harassing all of my other inhabitants (all other fish were at least twice the size). As far as I know they are reef-safe fish, mine never picked at anything except the other fish.
If you decide to go with this little guy, they are pretty funny. Mine moved about two or three inches at a time in very quick, accurate motions. It was like a laser-guided fish.
Here is my old friend/enemy.........


these guys are supposed to be the most aggressive of the dottyback family and may eat small inverts. it will also harass gobies and other small passive fish