Bi-Color with shredded fins...

mr. tuna

Active Member
i got this 4.5" bicolor angel about 2 weeks ago,
and it has been eating, and has been very healthy.
But this morning i have realized that his tail, and all around it was all shredded up. I have not added anything new ever since, and nothing ever bothered him.
Now the problem is.. how would i be able to cure him?
It is impossible to get him out with all the LR i have, and also,
that it is a 92 gallon tank.
Any suggestions?


Staff member
What other fish are in the aquarium? It could be aggression even though you don't notice it. If the fins are "frayed" like ragged clothes, then it is a bacterial infection. If the fins look like they have been chewed then they will not be stingy but chunks will be missing.
Can you get a pic up?

mr. tuna

Active Member
i have all of these with the bicolor:
1 flame angel
1 coral beauty angel
3 damsels
2 percula clownfish
2 CB shrimp
2 cleaner shrimp
( lots of Lr, so each angel has plenty of caves for themselves.)
I will try getting a pic now.


Active Member
i would guess it would be the flame getting him when your not looking, not 100 pct but a 92 is pretty small for two angels. hope u figure it out

mr. tuna

Active Member
thanks for the replys..
But i didnt see him all today, yesterday night he was out, and looking very bad, and so far i have not seen him today.. :nope:


I have hurd of Coral band shrimp nipping at fish.Ever thought of that if thats what the cb means sorry a newbie


Staff member
Likely aggression. Lets see if we can tell when you get the pic up.