Bi-colour Blenny with stripes?


New Member
We have just got a bi-bolour blenny and he looks like the pictures I have seen except that he has white stripes on his body. They are small stripes and not uniformed.
The fish dealer said it was because he was stressed in their tank and they would disapper when we put him in our tank.
They are still there, but to be fair he has has a run in with the damn 6 line wrasse so he is probably still stressed.
Is this normal and has anyone else seen stripes on this type of blenny, oh and another thing, he only has one tiny tenticle thing above his eyes, not two.
I can't find any decent pics of this blenny other than the one on this site.


Active Member
Mine gets white stripes too, but only when stressed. Those will go away after initial acclimation, pending you have good water conditions and the 6 Line simmers down.


New Member
Thanks for putting my mind at rest, I haven't seen him since yesterday, he has gone into hiding.


Mine goes into camouflage when I look at him up close or take a picture. He hates paparazzi.
I don't think missing a cirrhi is a problem, it also serves as camouflage, not sure if it grows back.