Bi-coloured Angel very sick


New Member
I bought a Bi-coloured angel about 18 days ago, i put it in a hospital tank and watched, he seemed fine for a couple of days but then i noticed about three or four white spots. i started a course of treatment with cuprazin for 10 days, every day it looked better and when i finished the treatment all looked fine. But, four days ago it stopped eating it would look at the food but not eat (which it was eating before) I came in from work this morning to find it lying against the side of the tank, i have looked very closely at it and i can see a very faint redness on the top of its head and aroung its lips.
If there is anything i can do please advise.


Staff member
What is cuprazin? And what exactly were you treating, ick?
What you are likely experiencing is a bacterial infection which will need to be treated with gram negetive antibiotics---Maracyn2 for Saltwaterfish. How do you have your hospital tank setup?


I agree. However I have found that the bi-colored angel is a short lived Indo-Pacific dwarf angel that fails to adapt or wastes away in most aquqariums. Though that means nothing because I have 2 morish idiols. Just trying to explain what I've seen with your fish. Good luck, Beth should be able to help you very well. SEE LIFE... "It's a beautiful world!"