bicolor angel tank size?


Active Member
My husband wants a "really cool" fish for our 12 gal. tank. I was looking on this site for "Really cool" fish and was wondering if the bicolor angel (2-3") can go in a 12 gal. I have no other fish. It says it is peaceful and reef safe, but not sure about tank size.
anyone know? :cheer:


Active Member
The size mentioned is the approximate size of the fish you would receive. Bicolors are one of the larger centropyges and can hit over 5 inches. They need a much larger system.


they're also known for not lasting too long in home aquariums. I gave up on them after i lost two. all my other fish Ive have for a while and are doing great. Not sure what happend to the bicolor.


Active Member
o.k. sounds good, I'll look at those. I thought the size they showed was the size they get. BIG difference!!