Bicolor Blenny


that was the favorite fish i had before the accident. he would eat about anything i put in there but he didnt like the flake as much as the frozen brine. but what ive read they are supposed to eat algae and stuff. but he just like fish food. he was my favorite fish and im excited about getting one next weekend. when you buy them young they are a brown color all over, but man they are fun to watch. id highly recommend one.


Ya he picks around at my LR,but he'll just spit the frozen brine back out!They are cute,girlfriend didn't like him at first.But now that hes been in for awhile and showing himself more she gets a kick out of him too- he's such a ham.She thinks he looks like "Homer Simpson" !!!!


how long have you had him? he might still be getting used to aquarium food. just give him some time. i think hell probably be just fine. good luck, and hope you like him.


Active Member
Neat fish have had one in my 46 for about 4 years and have a red lipped blennie in my reef tank. Both eat everything and like mysis shrimp, blackworms, and live brine, plus bits of formula 1 & 2. They are supposed to like algae but can't prove that by either of mine.


Ya, only had him in the tank maybe 8-10 days.He should be fine only have a perc. clown and him in the tank.Would like to get a mandarin but don't know how they would get along.Only want about 3-4 small fish,any ideas.(reef tank,75gal,120lbs LS,100lbs LR-eventually)


Active Member
Would suggest the following smaller fairy wrasse, african pygmy angel (should be last in tho), fire gobie pair, coral gobie. The Mandarin would probably be out done for food by the Blennie. I tried 2 or 3 Mandarins in my reef and lost them all.


Would a bi-color blennie get along with an algae blenny? I heard algae blenny dont like fish with similar looks to them....