Bicolor blenny


Active Member
breif history: bout 1.5-2 months ago i got a bicolor blenny and royal gramma, put both in QT, royal gramma looked like it got beat up or some bacterial infection and died. BCB is now in DT.
This fish has got to be THE most timid fish i've ever seen. It found a hole that it's body fits in perfectly and rarely if ever comes out other than for food. I've been trying to get a pic of it, but it NEVER swims out.
are they normally this shy? it's been in the tank for a few weeks now. I saw it once perched on my mushrooms but it swam away before i could get the camera out.


New Member
I've only had mine for about 2 weeks, but he is mostly out in the open...and he will bite my hand when i'm moving stuff around in the tank. He is quite the character.


I've had my bicolor blenny for almost 2 months now and he's my favorite! Not shy one bit! He's always out and about in the open, constantly looking for algae and he'll even come up to the glass to eat the algae off the glass and leave his little blenny "kiss" marks.... soooo cute! He has this tiny little hole that is directly under my pink plate coral, and when he sees someone come up to the tank, he will swim out and "dance" for you! Such a wonderful little personality! Sometimes he will go into his hole head first and turn around in it and when he sticks his head out, he will spit out a mouth full of sand, as if he was doing some house cleaning!
He'll also open his mouth and "snarl" at any other fish that gets too close to his hole.
And now that kthomas mentions it, I've been trying to figure out which one of my fish loves to sometimes bite my hand when I am doing some rearranging.... maybe it's my bicolor!
Here are some pics of mine:
See his little hole under the pink plate coral??

Perched on a rock checking things out:

Hanging out amongst the ricordeas:

Looking for algae!

I sure hope that yours comes around. I haven't really heard of them being that shy. They're usually known for their endearing personalities.


Active Member
that's exactly why i bought one! the one in the "not for sale" tank at the LFS is always so cute. my guy has his hole in a rock like yours does, but he's ALWAYS hiding in there. maybe i'll have to start doing fish training...
btw, you should post your pic under the contest :)


Active Member
Usually their are move active, Blennies in general seem to be... how do u say, Oblivious to the world? They swim around ignoring everything in their way... My LMB gets in fights with my cleaner shrimp and they constantly steal food from one another, Its pretty funny to watch.
could u take him back and get another one?


Originally Posted by renogaw
that's exactly why i bought one! the one in the "not for sale" tank at the LFS is always so cute. my guy has his hole in a rock like yours does, but he's ALWAYS hiding in there. maybe i'll have to start doing fish training...
btw, you should post your pic under the contest :)
At your LFS, does the "not for sale" rule pertain to the bicolor blenny as well? I know that one of my LFS has a couple of tanks like that, for "display" purposes only, but if you see something in there that you absolutely must have, they will sell it to you. They can and will always replace it with another one if they sell it. Seems like they would sell it to you seeing that you are not happy with the one you have.

Good luck, I really hope that yours comes around!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nick76
Usually their are move active, Blennies in general seem to be... how do u say, Oblivious to the world? They swim around ignoring everything in their way... My LMB gets in fights with my cleaner shrimp and they constantly steal food from one another, Its pretty funny to watch.
could u take him back and get another one?

oh i don't think i could even catch it LOL. its also been over a month, so no i doubt i can bring it back. i'm just going to have to figure out how to get it to be less skittish


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
oh i don't think i could even catch it LOL. its also been over a month, so no i doubt i can bring it back. i'm just going to have to figure out how to get it to be less skittish
Time will deffinatly help, I had a black clown goby that was like that at first. Took him a whole month to adjust. Now he stays right in view when I walk up.
What kind of tankmates are in with him?


Active Member
he's got 3 small chromis, 2 false percs, 1 coral beauty, 1 kole tang, 1 mandarin, and 1 firefish plus the CUC so nothing should be messing with him, and when i do see him his fins are all fine.
he was out a little bit exploring last night, but i was only able to observe this from a distance. I guess he can feel or see me moving towards the tank.