Bicolor Pseudochromis and fire shrimp ...


Active Member
Bicolor Pseudochromis and fire shrimp ... i want to get both of them but i read on a site that the bicolor eats ornamental shrimp , so my question is, is a fire shrimp a ornamental shirmp or should i be able to keep them both in a 55g .... thanks, again


You may think about royal gramma instead of a bicolor psuedo. They practically look the same and in my opinion, the gramma looks better.


Active Member
I had a purple psuedo, which is about the same as the bicolor but with all purple. He ate a full grown peppermint shrimp whole! The shrimp was about the same size as the fish. They did live together for a few months before that though. I would definitely get the shrimp first if you decide to get both.
Also, the psuedo is likely to be surprisingly mean. IMO, they are meaner than damsels (or at least equally as mean). The royal gramma is supposed to be much nicer. Although I've never owned one.


Active Member
Dang that sucks! My brothers both have bi colored pseudos and fireshrimp/peppermint/skunks and so far they havent touched each other.


Active Member
I have a purple pseudochromis, which isn't "reportedly" as mean as the bicolor. He is mean as hell. I love him anyway! I did have a small fireshrimp that disappeared recently though. Makes me go hmmmm...