big eyed squirrel(?) fish....venomous?


New Member
I want to get a big eyed squirrel fish but im not allowed to have any venomous fish.... how are these fish venomous? i mean they look so cute. do they bite they can give off venom, or are their venom externally or internally?:help: :notsure:


Active Member
do you know the scientific name of this species if so I can look it up for you the squirrels i have found in my fish book have not ben shown as venomous but I havent found big eyed squirrel yet


Active Member
It might be also known as the blackbar soldierfish: Myripristis jacobus
It is not venemous, so far as I know.
But be forwarned that although these fish are sold small, they, and other squirrel fish become large, aggressive and voracious predators, easily consuming small fish. I believe this one gets to be over 10 inches long.
In the wild, they are nocturnal, and you may find they hide for much of the day. Often they adapt to the lighting in tanks and alter this normal behavior. But this is a fish that will need a pretty big tank with other large tank mates.