
i meant the picasso trigger when i said that
but still maroon clowns are very nice i have seen then at pet stores and actually almost bought one but was afraid it was going to die and you said that a lion will prob not eat this clown because it gets big right?


oh and i would get a manits shrimp but i read that you have to keep them in a species only tank because they will attack and eat any small fish or inverts, am i right?


The Humu Humu should be okay with a lion. I'd double check this one if I were you though.
Yes, Mantis shrimp will eat small inverts and fish. They really should be a species only tank, however, I have seen them in tanks with very large fish. Don't know if that's the wisest thing to do, but I've seen it done.....
Even though lions are considered aggressive fish. They're really quite docile. They'll just eat anything that they can get in their mouths. They're not really suited to be around other aggressive fish....
In a 72G Fowlr, semi-aggressive or aggressive tank. You'd be better off with considering some of these:
Trigger (Humu Humu, Picasso, Pink Tail, etc) but only one
Dwarf Angel (a large angel is too big for a 72G)
Snowflake eel??? Maybe
Damsels (evil little fish!)
Female Maroon Clownfish
There are some aggressive/semi-aggressive Wrasses as well and some have some amazing colors to them.
Foxface - they're fairly peaceful, but they're quills have venom.


One thing ive seen done with a 72 bow is a pair of maroon clowns, and like 8 damsels (just stay away from striped and domino) and when the damsels are full size get a tiny snowflake (oh and have a skimmer that most people would put on a 125, so rated 200+ gallons). The snowflake wont be aggressive because it was the last added and the damsels will tell it who is boss, it may eat some when it gets full size but it's still doubtful.
Undulated trigger is best fish for a 90 with a large sump or a 125 with a big sump, so like 125-175 total system volume and again a KILLER skimmer (they eat a lot and poo a lot, and also miss a lot of food too). And you'll have to do water changes as if you had oscars... Then again I had a LFS sell me a 2" one and a snowflake to go in my 20 long, and eventually I didn't have a snowflake anymore because it was eaten.


Originally Posted by Chrisnif
Undulated trigger is best fish for a 90 with a large sump or a 125 with a big sump, so like 125-175 total system volume and again a KILLER skimmer (they eat a lot and poo a lot, and also miss a lot of food too). And you'll have to do water changes as if you had oscars... Then again I had a LFS sell me a 2" one and a snowflake to go in my 20 long, and eventually I didn't have a snowflake anymore because it was eaten.
An undulated trigger is the best fish if that's all you want in your tank, because it WILL eat everything else. And good luck if you need to stick your hand in the tank, because you'll get bit too. They're horrible fish and honestly, shouldn't be kept in a home aquarium.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
An undulated trigger is the best fish if that's all you want in your tank, because it WILL eat everything else. And good luck if you need to stick your hand in the tank, because you'll get bit too. They're horrible fish and honestly, shouldn't be kept in a home aquarium.
I know this is bad but, back when we didnt know much about fish we had a 3in undulated trigger with lion and they actually got along. They undulated died and we sold the lion and we now have just a miniatis grouper.


Originally Posted by Hunt
I know this is bad but, back when we didnt know much about fish we had a 3in undulated trigger with lion and they actually got along. They undulated died and we sold the lion and we now have just a miniatis grouper.
The trigger was still small, that's why you were lucky. Over time, especially as they get bigger, they're little monsters. I think I'd only put a undulated with a mantis shrimp or full size domino damsels, LOL. That would be interesting to watch!


New Member
i have a 180 and I took my undulated out because he was too mean. He would hide in a cave until feeding time. Then come out & bully all the other fish and eat the food and take it back to his hide out. He was so mean and nasty I hated him!! I wouldn't mind having a large tank just for triggers and other mean fish though. But not with my clowns, tangs and angels.