Big Green Crab found in LR


He looks he two crabs I got in the cleaning crew but twice the size. he must have come in with my last order of LR two weeks ago. is he ago for the tank?


Do a search on emerald crabs. You'll get a lot of mixed replies about them. Some people hate them some like them. I would just say keep an eye on them.


I heard that there are two different kinds of emerald crabs. One that stays small and one that gets fairly big. The big one likes to move your rocks around. Just what I heard.


Active Member
They all get big. Most that are big then introduced cause problems. But I have both a small and a really big in my tank with out any problems.
The darker ones are male and the lighter ones females.


New Member
I have 2 crabs and enjoy them very much unfortulay
we lost a fish and couldn't find it(?) next thing (about a week later) one of the crabs comes out with a spine (from the dead fish) and a little meat on it(the spine) and just draged the spine around until he finished it. (am I sick?)


My emerald ate my xenia. I had a small peice that disappeared (thought it fell behind the rock) so I got another good cluster and caught it red handed (green clawed) eating my xenia! Im a bit biased but thats my experience.


My emeralds better not eat the xenia, i'll be really mad! I have 3. Two are bigger and one is smaller. I guess when they get bigger they grow hair on their legs? SO far they haven't messed with anything, but I have seen them going at it before with eachother.


I had problems w/ the little green guys flipping over snails and eating them. Been considering getting a light foot sally instead.