BIG Lionfish


I saw the Biggest lionfish i have ever seen in my had to be the size of a basketball. It was $500. Man was i tempted. But everything in my tank would have been an expensive lunch.(the lunch meaning the lion would get a good lunch). I wonder how old it must have been?


Active Member
Originally Posted by CDubbs
I saw the Biggest lionfish i have ever seen in my had to be the size of a basketball. It was $500. Man was i tempted. But everything in my tank would have been an expensive lunch.(the lunch meaning the lion would get a good lunch). I wonder how old it must have been?

wow that big! but not for 500 bucks though.


yeah $500 is pretty steep. And how old and how much longer would it live. Is it really worth it?


45 for a 10-12 inch is a great price..i got a 3-4 inch today for 50. in nyc everything is more, it sux


They do get large, I seen a 15 inch one in Ohio about 2 years ago, the span of the fins were amazing....... I have one that is 12 inches and 2 at 10 inches, they are in a 300 so they don't look that large........ lol
I don't think I would pay 500 for one though.
Next time you go, snap a picture..........


post a pic post a pic post a pic please please please :jumping: :joy:


That must have been really impressive, I'd also like to see a pic. An employer of mine had one that was about a foot long and he was gorgeous. Logic dictates that a larger one like that should actually be cheaper since there isn't the demand for the larger ones. Most folks don't want a basketball sized stinging predator. Not to mention the tank size, compatibility issues, and feeding requirements. Public aquariums won't take them and scientists have concluded that released aquarium specimens are responsible for the non-native breeding population of Lions in the Atlantic and Caribbean.


Active Member
Not to jump off topic of the lionfish, but I was at an LFS today and I saw this stonefish that was the size of a football. I could not believe how large this thing was. It was just a tad scary. It looked like a piece of live rock sitting in the tank. I could not imagine who would want something like that for their tank.


I was at an LFS today and I saw this stonefish that was the size of a football. I could not believe how large this thing was.
Yike's :scared: That would be sweet to have a tank dedicated to something like this, especially when it is that big already. Some fish just look good as they mature and grow, I would take and adult stonefish over the 1-2 inch ones I see in my LFS here.


Originally Posted by V-Lioness
Yike's :scared: That would be sweet to have a tank dedicated to something like this, especially when it is that big already. Some fish just look good as they mature and grow, I would take and adult stonefish over the 1-2 inch ones I see in my LFS here.

I wish I could find one, matter the size. lol
I've looked, probably for 2 years, for one...and have never found a single one, for sale, in a fish store.
There's a guy on -- and on Grim...his screen name is Espo...who has an adult Stonefish, in a species only tank.


There's a guy on -- and on Grim...his screen name is Espo...who has an adult Stonefish, in a species only tank.
He has some nice livestock in his tanks, I do not recall seeing his stonefish though, I will have to go over to grim later and check it out......


Originally Posted by maroonytun
We get five to six inch ones here for like 25-30, about 10 times a week.

True Stonefish or Scorpionfish? They're very easy to confuse.
And...where is "here"?


True Stonefish or Scorpionfish? They're very easy to confuse
Good point, I could not tell the difference when it comes to these, reminds me go to Grim...... LOL


Originally Posted by V-Lioness
I went to his web page and must say "I was Impressed".........

He's got some great fish (I want to fillet that Bumble Bee Grouper up and throw it on the grill!!), although I dont agree with his stocking or fish keeping practices. He mainly puts fish together and just waits till one eats a few and then adds a few more...either that, or he waits for them all to fight, kill off a few and add more.