Big Mac ?????


Active Member
Thanks for the reply. Two more questions. What size is your tank and do you use a chiller?


Active Member
skilos, do you have a chiller? is heat a promblem? lots of fans? water loss? I ask because Im thinking of added 2 250 MH and Im worried about the heat


Active Member
The reason I ask about tank size and skimmer is b/c I have a 120 with 2 400 watt MHs and with 2 8 inch desk fans I can only keep the temp at 84 degrees if the tank starts out at 78/79 in the morning. That is a huge temp difference and it is winter here right now. In a few months the temp will go up to 90 (outside)on average and sometimes pushing 100. In the summer sometimes its so hot my A/C has trouble keeping the house under 82/83 and the A/C runs all day. To make a long story short I guess I have no choice but to get a chiller.


Active Member
The AC is not the problem. I am fine with the temp at 78 in the house. I think it will be cheaper in the long run to buy and run a chiller than to try and keep my house at 70 during the summer in southern Louisiana.


Active Member
I am gettimg the chiller. Much easier and I don't have to have a noisey and unsightly window unit in my living room.