BIG mess up


Active Member
Alright guys I should have listened to all of you and not got the trigger, i am calling the lfs in the morning to see if i can take him back, he ate a snail, and hermit crabs, in one night :mad: i think it was just i was soooooo excited about my tank finally cycling i let them talk me into getting the first fish i seen they said he wouldnt eat anything really..........boy where they wrong. so if they let me take him back im not going to get anything else and just do some talking to ppl to see what would be good for the end result that i would like to have, and just order from here since they have 15 guar. and i can talk with ppl on here to see what goes good together.i will tell you what few things i would like to have in the end.
I still have the one clown i would like to get another one of those.
i would like to get maybe 2 star fish
i would like a shrimp and a fish that it can clean not sure which one though
and i would like a anenome but i heard you cant get those and stars???
could someone let me know a good stock i cold get with these in mind? i have a 55 gal tank


Active Member
In a 55 the only stars you should consider that are reef safe would be Brittles and Serpents I believe.
Stars and anemones both should only be added to well established tanks (6+months)
Do not mix Clown species.


Active Member
OK, few things.
First you have obviously learned to research what you get BEFORE buying it.
As far as the clowns, as long as they are both either Percula clowns or Ocellarius (aka False Percula) clowns, they will go together fine.
As far as the stars go, read up. If you tank just got done cycling, it may still be too soon for many stars. Some species of stars are VERY sensitive to the slightest variation in tank parameters and are best left to experts. Do some searches.
As far as the shrimp goes, a skunk cleaner is a great addition. So is the red fireshrimp if you want to spend the extra money (and they do better in pairs IMO). For cleaner fish, a neon goby would be the only one I would recommend.
Anemones and stars are compatable. BUT, is your tank capable of handling an anemone??? They require near pristine water conditions AND tons of light...we are talking metal halides, t5's or VHOs (halides preferable). Look in the clownfish and anemones forum for a sticky on anemones and research a bit.
Hope this helps.


Active Member
thank you for ur help, i am not getting anythinggggg soon i learned my lesson going to do alot of talking and reading before adding, the only think is lfs might make me just trade him in so i might get something i was wondering can you keep the orange and the black and whitle clowns together ? i have 24 hr lighting satellite system would that work for anenames also i was wanting to get zoos and mushroom maybe for color but nothing soon just getting ideas.


Active Member
i was wanting to get a fish that the shrimp could clean will they clean all fish or do they have to be certain types?


HI Jessica...
Glad you've done some reading... did you read that article i sent you in your last thread re: triggers? :thinking:
i try to read everything i can get my hands on
the yellow watchman goby and the pistol shrimp have an interesting relationship...
read some of Ophuria's threads on starfish... she's got some great info... i belieive most of them require a fairly established tank to sustain them? :notsure:


Active Member
Cleaner shrimp will for the most part clean anything, including your hand after he gets used to things...


Active Member
you can have a black and white ocelarris clown with a regular ocelarris clown, they are the same species. just make sure one is a lot bigger so dominance is set quickly and they become a mated pair.


Active Member
ty for the info everyone chuck how would i go about finding those threads of hers on star?
i am going to do all my ordering on here from now on not going to ANY other lfs. i talked with them where i bought this one and they said they cant take him back, i am sooooo mad i think they are just out to really mess me up so i spoke with another local fish store and he said he will trade me him for a saddle back clown? hope its almost a even trade at this point would do anything to get rid of him


Active Member
also the trigger that i had ate all the pods out of my tank, i heard that you can get the cheto and soap dish and they will bred i ordered the cheato and it should be here soon but how will i get the pods to start? will it have them in it ?


if you leave the system alone for a while the pod poulation will come back... (if nothing is eating them) they just need time to reproduce

not sure about the cheato


Originally Posted by jessica47421
also the trigger that i had ate all the pods out of my tank, i heard that you can get the cheto and soap dish and they will bred i ordered the cheato and it should be here soon but how will i get the pods to start? will it have them in it ?
There is no way it ate all of the pods. They are still there. I didn't think triggers ate pods???
What kind of clown do you have? Percula? If so get another of that type. To minimize fighting get one that is noticibly smaller or larger than the one you have. You probably can add a starfish. Has to be a Brittlestar OR a Serpant Star. Don't add any other type of starfish until you know what your doing. Another relatively safe fish are Chromis. Pretty easy and straight forward. If you think you want another one please read up on them first.
The Cheato can be added if you wish. However there is some disagreement as to if you should add it to a display because its not real attractive. If you have a sump then by all means add it.
You really should read a whole bunch of posts and then ask questions. Thats how I learned what I know. Which, btw isn't a tenth of what some of these people know. We have all made mistakes and we have all learned from them. Fortunately now the mistakes are fewer and far between. The best of luck to you.