Phosphates are that high because they were introduced. I don't know how big your tank is, but removing that much phosphate with absorbing medias can be an expensive proposition. Generally, phosphates come from one of three places... water, salt, or food.
Do you mix your own seawater? If so, do a phosphate test on the water before you add salt and after. If both of these are reading 0/underscale, then it's likely your food. Do a large water change (50% or so) and reduce feedings, and post what kind of food you are using so we can weigh in on that.
If you buy seawater from an LFS, test that. If you get measurable phosphates, demand that the LFS fix it or find a new LFS.
No matter how you get water, if you find out it's in the water or salt, you need to fix that asap, because you'll just keep dumping money into phosphate removal products. If it's your food, you may need to feed less or use a different, higher quality food.
Thanks guys, that's what i thought at first. I asked my LFS about phosphates coming from my salt and food, they said it is not possible. I do mix my own saaltwater and I use H20 Life frozen, Hikari frozen and New Life Spectrum pellets. I have cut back on feeding tons and feed very little. I will definetly check everything for phosphates and find the source. Thanks again.
**btw i use red sea salt