Big Puffer Problem


I'm in the process of doing Hypo on my main tank due to Ick on my Pocupine puffer fish.
I noticed a few days ago that his mouth started to split on one side, and now its looks as if part of his lip, where the infection first started, is missing.
Its now started to doing the same on the other side of his mouth. I'm thinking that some bacteria/Fungus is eating it. You can actually see through part of this gum, when his mouth is open.
I think it might be Cotton mouth, as there is some white stuff hear where the infection is. Not sure though. The puffer is eating well as normal, and none of the other fish in the main tank show any signs.
Yesterday, I moved him to my QT, and put some Triple-sulfa in. I'm hoping this will help, again, I had to lower the QT to 1.009 before adding him.
I have checked all the parameters in the tank and everythings looks fine.
Has any one else seen this kind of infection before.
Any comments.


Staff member
Pufferfish need to have hard shelled foods to keep their teeth knawed down. Are you giving him hard shelled foods?


I have been feeding him frozon kril and prawns only.
I use to have some snails in the tank but he has eat them a long time ago. What kind of food on a regular basis would you suggest.


Staff member
Does it look like his teeth are outgrowing his mouth?
Please post over in the agressive from regarding the best foods to get to keep his teeth in check. Of course, he ate the snails, for this purpose. I don't keep agressive fish, so I think you will get more help over at the Agressive forum for this particular problem. However, you many need to go shopping at the seafood section of the grocery store and look for some shelled food for this fish. Good luck, and let me know how it turns out!


Hi beth
Thanks beth. I will send this to the aggressive forum.
Is it a good thing to get shelled food for the puffer from grocery store? Could that have paracites in?
I was under the impression that its better to get pre-packaged frozon food from my LFS. Is that correct?
any comments.


Staff member
Well, I only use fresh seafood to meet the carnivore needs of my tank. I figure if's it good enough for me to eat, then its good enough for the fish and crabs!
I would not worry about parasites, but the seafood should be fresh and kept fresh in the freezer/refrigerator until use.
Look on the ingredient label of the frozen foods you use and see what is listed and the % for each ingredient. After doing this, I'm sure it will be clear why I use fresh seafoods. Besides, these foods cannot meet the teeth grinding needs of your pufferfish.
Let me know what turns up with your puffer!