Big Tank -----> Small Tank


Alright, my two clowns have been established in my tank for about 4 or 5 months but I'm really wanting to put them in a nano cube that has a BTA as well as some other corals, and they seem to be moderatly happy in the big tank but would moving them to the smaller tank and it would be just them make them happier and maybe they would breed or would it cramp their stype (literally lol)? I know a bta in too small of place but I'm going to buy it used and its been there for a couple of months already...


What kind of clowns are they?? If they're maroon clowns they should go well with the BTA, if not you should probably not get the BTA. If they host I don't see any problem putting them in a nanoyou just have to watch the water more carefully in a smaller system. Clowns that are hosting usually don't go more than 5 inches from there anemone if they're happy, unless they're chasing food of course.