Big triggers


Anybody have experience with big triggers? My clown in 8" and I'm just wondering what's ahead for him. (I put pix in the trigger picture thread) He's been in a 250 since he was a baby. Will this continue to hold him?
He's docile toward the other fish as long as I put in enough food at once for everyone. They are almost all original tankmates from when he was a baby.
What defines overstocking when it comes to fish that size and above? :notsure:


for saltwater you can have 5" of fish per gallon, not counting the tail, just the body. For larger fish such as triggers you up the inch to gallon ratio. From my knowledge thier is no clear rule. I've always heard 7"-8" for large fish. and 9"-10" for very large fish.


Active Member
A 250gal. should be just fine, for this entire life...he wont get more than 10" or so.
You should be concerned, however, with the wellfare of your other fish. Your CT may be fine, up until this point and on into the future, but be aware that CTs are very aggressive and have been known to take out entire tanks of fish, even after being with those other fish for years.


New Member
i think you mean 5 gallons per inch of fish not the other way around. 5" per gallon would be a little tight.


wow, lol
i didnt noticed what i typed. lol

yessss, its 1" per 5gallon, then the larger the fish gets it goes up.


Active Member
Some are aggressive right off the bat....others, in that size range, have lived with tank mates for years. Then, you come home from work and find every other fish dead and the CT swimming around, with a full belly.