big water change blurry water!!!

brad pitt

i just did a 4gal water change on my 12gal tank and i moved some rock around my water got really blurry. will my fish and crabs die? thats all i have and a couple of snails.


Originally Posted by brad pitt
i just did a 4gal water change on my 12gal tank and i moved some rock around my water got really blurry. will my fish and crabs die? thats all i have and a couple of snails.

Did you allow the water to mix for 24 hours?


Active Member
You may have stirred up some dietrus(sp?) while moving the rock around. If so, monitor water params for the next few days. Stirring up the tank may cause a mini cycle.


Originally Posted by brad pitt
its already mixed i bought the water from my lfs
Did you check the SG? If the SG was low it would look blurry in the tank just as adding FW does. It usually goes away within seconds though. If it is from kicking up debris then it will settle and the sediment will filter out. Keep an eye on your water parameters. If you get a spike then do a small water change.


Yes as I had to do a huge water change today as for why you can read the post on Dog Poop. I ended up doing a 75% water change and of course it was very cloudy at first but it was cleared up alot within 30 mins and then fine by 2hrs. I havent lost anything with a waterchange ever in either my FW or SW aquariums.


Originally Posted by HOBrien
Yes as I had to do a huge water change today as for why you can read the post on Dog Poop. I ended up doing a 75% water change and of course it was very cloudy at first but it was cleared up alot within 30 mins and then fine by 2hrs. I havent lost anything with a waterchange ever in either my FW or SW aquariums.
I have done large changes before myself. As long as the readings match, and the water is well mixed, there are few problems in doing so.