Bigger Than Bang Guys


Active Member
THis weekend I saw a bigger tank than Bang guy's Lagoon.
The FIrecracker has a really nice 900 gallon in the basement BUT. . . .
Check This out!!


Active Member
No but you're getting warmer.
Here is RAY --- and a couple of divers -- I don't know their names.


Im stumped, but it looks like this 500k gallon tank that they have in this little nature museum offshoot of the Bass Pro Shop in Springfield Missouri.
But you guys havent seen an Aquarium until you have been the the Sydney Aquarium in Australia...OMG...So Beautiful. Hell large parts of it are even built underwater!!!


Active Member
Settle down RON,
Just teasing a little. This is the 385k gallon "dive show" tank at the Newport Aquarium in Ky. Took the kids-had a ball. THe coral tank was sparse but overall a good place!
Dig the Sand tigers!!


Active Member
BTW Bang Guy,
Very impressed with the lagoon. I would like to have one but not the power Bill$$.
I tried to take pics of the Newport filter systems. From a distance it looked like a cannister filter or skimmer easily the size of a 55 gallon drum!!
Pics not very good. . .


I got to take a look behind the scenes of the Oklahoma Aquariums 450k Walk through shark tank. Its a badass tank its has this bigass tunnel that has a room in the middle of it that you can rent out for dinners!!!! How badass would it be to have a dinner party in the middle of a 450k gallon shark tank with 6-9' Lemon and Bull Sharks swimming all around you? Unfortunatly after inquiring the price its $2200 to reserve it and then another $120 per plate and anther $800 for the tables and chairs and such.
Skimmer looked to be about 8 feet high and 3 feet around. They also had UV sterlizers there were massively massive.
And a seperate little like 20 gallon sump looking thing plumbed into the whole thing, my best guess for that is to add supplements maybe?


Active Member
Hey Bang Guy!!
You could set up around the lagoon and make a killin!!
Originally posted by Sato
Ithe price its $2200 to reserve it and then another $120 per plate and anther $800 for the tables and chairs and such.

I wonder if they serve sea food . . . .