Bigmac help!

chris l

I have a 175w mh that is soon do to be replaced. Could you recomend a good bulb for me. I run an AB bulb on my 250 HQI and like the looks of that but the 175w I am running is a sunburst bulb. I like the overall looks of my tank now running those two along with 150w of vho actinics. Hope I didn't confuse you cause I think I confused myself.:D

chris l

The tank isn't really blue unless the 250w isn't on. When that is on the tank is very white. I have heard some bad things about the sunburst bulb not being very good for coral growth. Just trying to find a better bulb for the growth of my sps.

chris l

First of all it's a 44g tank. I have a 250w PFO HQI with an AB 10k bulb, also a 175w with the 12k, and an icecap 430 with 150w actinics. 575watts total. VHO actinics come on first then the 175 and then the 250 all at different intervals. When the 175 comes on you can hardly notice that it is on cause it seems to blend in with the actinics so well. When the 250 kicks on, look out, its like the sun just rose in my living room. Sorry I got you confused. I understand your a buisy man. TIA:D


holy wattage batman!
have you looked into 20,000k radiums? people claim to get good growth under those.

richard rendos

Active Member
Yeah, I don't think I have ever seen a 20K radium in 175 watt variety. I would suggest the Ushio or just stick with the Sunburst. Ushio will be a whiter/yellower bulb than the Sunburst. I ran Sunburst bulbs for years, and liked them, but I replaced them every 6-8 months or so. They seem to shift spectrum and lose intensity very quickly.

chris l

Richard, I did notice that with this bulb. It isn't much brighter than my vho's. The 175w is a tar ballast. That will fire the AB bulb, correct?