Bill Here Is The Pair And The Nest!


Active Member
a little bit of alage thats my problem but ever since the snails its getting better thanks to all of u.


Active Member
Is that a big conch shell next to that BTA? Also your BTA is very bleached, you should keep an eye on it as well as make sure you have proper lighting for it.
The clearing on the glass is very similar to what mine do, but they might just be clearing the area around the anemone. The spot they pick will be pretty distinctive, and not wrap around anything. Circular in shape.


Active Member
i have it in my nano so i thought i wouldnt have to worry asboput lighting since corals are able to go in it. is there area good?


Active Member
Oh thats right, everything looks good so far as long as that anemone recovers. I'd be surprised if that anemone stays there though, how many watts of light overhead? No anemone would be better than a sickly one, especially if your trying to get a nest. The clowns might have everything ready to go and then the anemone will up and move or start to die and ruin their mood.


Active Member
it stayes still i dont reall have a problwm with it though eats fine but this is all good signs rite?


Active Member
no he was darker im getting worried now he eats perfect and he really doesnt open fully during the day?


Active Member
Thats not good, If he's getting whiter in your tank you should take it back. Its eating more because its starving to death with absence of zooxanthellae from poor lighting.