bio-balls/live rock?


Here's a question that has been bothering me ever since i started my tank 7 months ago. First of i started not knowing anything.
I have 120gallon tank with a sump. For my sump where the water falls thru the filter it would then go thru my bio balls or live rock balls(not sure if thats what its called but you pros no what i mean) . Now 1 lfs said to use bio balls and another said to use live rock balls. So here is what i did. I filled up the bottom half with live rock balls flush to where the water ends. Thinking i did not want the rock out of the water. Even thou the water would still drip on them just not be submerged in the water. Then for the top half i added bio balls. Now what should i do. Leave it this way, exchange bio balls for live rock balls. Or just clean the bio balls every couple months?


Active Member
You need to keep the bio balls clean or they will produce a lot of nitrates. Clean a small portion at a time. I take (took - I don't use them any more) a hand full and rinse them in tank water that has been moved to a bucket. Kinda shake out the crud. No soap. If you don't use tank water then you will kill off the beneficial bacteria.


Active Member
yes the LR should stay in the water. Not like Bio-balls that need to be dripped...