Bio Balls


I have a pro clear wet dry filter with protien skimmer, are the bioballs supposed to grow visible bacteria/algae on them?? I have been running it for a while and they still look brand new. Just a quick yes or no and how long it will take to get the bacteria there is all i need.

al mc

Active Member
No visible bacterial colonies will be noted on the bioballs. It is difficult to give you an idea of how fast you will get a bacterial colony in the sump bioballs without knowing how long the tank has been set up. What the water chemistry is like. What you have in, inverts, substrate, and live rock amount.......


Is there any light directly hitting your bioballs, if not then you should not get any algae. I have bioballs in my sump for about 11 months now and never seen any algae.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by cyclops
Is there any light directly hitting your bioballs, if not then you should not get any algae. I have bioballs in my sump for about 11 months now and never seen any algae.
I have had bioballs for 11 years with only an occasional rinse in freshly made salt water, and never saw a single algae cell.