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I really need to get my 14g biocube pictures up, too. Anyway, I think it looks fine. What do you plan to put in it? If you have any fish, some may want to have some space between the rocks for them to go into. From the angle there doesn't appear to be much space.
I have pretty much the same set-up. Skimmer in first chamber, filter media and reef carbon in the middle chamber with filter floss. I did add a Korolia nano circulator on the opposite side from the return. Gives it more kick and flow.
Anyway, good luck. You'll love it!
I will take some side pictures tomorrow, I think I have plenty of space between the rocks. I am also going to move the Korolia to the other side. Did you put it beneath the top skimmer or to the side of it, or on the glass? I really only plan to add 2 small clown fish and some corals. I have an establish 65 reef tank running for almost 2 years and a 15 gal QT tank. The rock and water came from my main tank so the cycle should be minimal. I am going to add some snails and hermits tomorrow. I will post more picture tomorrow.