Bio-Cube; bio balls and sponge filter, yes or no?


I'm really new to this and I've been reading about this and there a lot of different opinions.
I just bought a 29g Oceanic Bio-Cube and I've been reading about people taking out the bio-balls and the sponge filter right away. What would be best for maintaining a fish and coral tank? Should I leave these in there or should I take them out? I've read about people putting live rock instead of the bio-balls and some kind of plants(?) in a cup in the third compartment. What is that in the cups and what's it for? And would the live rock work better than the bio-balls?
One other thing I've seen is people opening the divider(cutting) from compartment 2-3 for better water flow. Is that really helpful?
The current stock lighting that come with the tank, would it be enough for the corals? I plan to keep simple corals, not the expert kind of corals(for now).
What kind of brand skimmer would you guys recommend me for this size tank, is the Oceanic BioCube Protein Skimmer enough and good? Also, what kind of power heads? I've been looking at the Hydor Koralia Magnums power heads, are these good?
Sorry for all these many questions, I just want to make sure before setting everything up.


hey man i was in the same boat as you when i first started..
as for starters:
YES, no bioballs. sponge.. honstly any1 you ask will have a different answer as this hobby is all a matter of preference but yeah they say filter floss instead of the sponge...
they say take out the bio balls and replace everything bak thre with "CHEMI-PURE" and "PURGIEON" .. just different kind of filter media..
the cup of alage you are refering to is CHEATO.. search for it there are plenty of threads you will find.. let me know if uh ave problems finding it and i will link u..
and as far as live rock in the back, it is NOT recommended and most will tell you it is a bad thing to do..
i dont have a bio-cube to tell you anything about the modifications and what not and skimmer but honestly they say with our tanks if we just keep up with water changes we do not need a skimmer..
oh and your lighting with be just fine for simple basic corals..


Active Member
Originally Posted by [Ronnie]
hey man i was in the same boat as you when i first started..
as for starters:
YES, no bioballs. sponge.. honstly any1 you ask will have a different answer as this hobby is all a matter of preference but yeah they say filter floss instead of the sponge...
they say take out the bio balls and replace everything bak thre with "CHEMI-PURE" and "PURGIEON" .. just different kind of filter media..
the cup of alage you are refering to is CHEATO.. search for it there are plenty of threads you will find.. let me know if uh ave problems finding it and i will link u..
and as far as live rock in the back, it is NOT recommended and most will tell you it is a bad thing to do..
i dont have a bio-cube to tell you anything about the modifications and what not and skimmer but honestly they say with our tanks if we just keep up with water changes we do not need a skimmer..
oh and your lighting with be just fine for simple basic corals..

Perfect Ron!!!


side note: if you want some modifications done id upgrade ur powerhead in the back to a maxijet.. im running a 1200 on my 24 gal..
also i would add a koralia 1 or 2 nanos?..


Active Member
I have done all the "Mod's" JMO but I say leave the bio-balls and sponge in!!! I never had Prob. until I started messin with it. PLEASE do NOT put LR rubble in the rear chambers!!! It is a HUGE mistake. Again JMO but it has worked for me. Good luck


Well-Known Member
I would personally leave the bioballs in. Long as you put some filter media over it and replace the media every now and then, there is nothing wrong with it.
As for your sponge, what you could do is take and cut it in half. When you do a water change, take half of it and wrinse it out in your refuse water. Then the next time you do another water change, wrinse the other half of the sponge. Easy as pie.
The bad thing about sponges is that they can get clogged and become nitrate/phosphate factories. Same with bioballs. But if you don't let them get clogged in the first place - you should have no problems!


Thanks for the help guys!
I've been hearing more and more about not putting LR in the back and I'm going to go without it. And I'm going to add chemi-pure and purgieon in the back along with the filter floss.
I'm about to head out to the store and get me a koralia nano. If I get 2 of them, what would be best, to have one on each side of the tank, or both of them facing the same way?
About upgrading the powerhead in the back with a maxijet, would I have to remove the pump/power head that came with my tank? Or just insert it as it is in there?