bio cube or eclipse


New Member
I am just getting started and I like the look of the 29 bio cube but another store sells an integrated system called the eclipse. It is more retangular, no curved glass. But now I have read a bunch of stuff about the filtration system in the bio cube and having to modify it. I dont want to spend 270 on something I have to modify. Can anyone give me some advise comparing these two systems??


Active Member
the biocube is much better. i have an eclipse, and it gets the job done and does perfectly fine, but with the biocube you will have much better lighting and filtration.
pretty much the only thing the eclipse has that the biocube doesnt is a biowheel, but that isnt all that great IMO.


New Member
What about all of the posts about modifiying the filtration system in the bio cube? There are too many conversations about how it doesnt work and whether this thing or that should be facing this way or that.


Active Member
ive seen a few people talk about moding them, but the actual filtration doesnt do too much IMO. with enough live rock it doesnt matter which way the water is going in your filtration or anything. i dont know if i am seen any saying it doesnt work though...
but IMO, the biocube is ahead of the eclipse because it looks nicer, it has lighting so you can maintain a reef. also, they do make skimmers for a biocube. im not sure how well they work, but depending on the brand, i have heard that some of them are okay. the only skimmer an eclipse could hold is on that can go in your tank, which severly limites your options also. you are limited (as far as i can think of) to a crappy one like a Lee's for a visajet (i dont believe that owuld fit though...) or a deltec MCE 500 or 600, not sure if youa re wanting to spend that much money though.... im sure others will have opinions too, but that is mine. also, with the eclipse, you will have to upgrade lighting because it oesnt have the lighting needed for a reef. you can then do a retrofit, or you would have to replace the top entirely which would mean youd have to replace the filtration as well.


New Member
Thank you so much. I am really leaning toward the bio cube and am glad not to hear all the negatives. I am just learning how to use this site so bear with me...i dont know all the accronyms yet. I will keep you posted on how things go. :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by newbereefer
Thank you so much. I am really leaning toward the bio cube and am glad not to hear all the negatives. I am just learning how to use this site so bear with me...i dont know all the accronyms yet. I will keep you posted on how things go. :happyfish
I have a 29 high eclipse, and i love it, i removed the bio-wheel,, put in chemipure,,and upgraded the filtration, and lighting, AND ADDED a fuge and protien skimmer,together that cost me like $500usd, OBVIOUSLY i would have started differently, but i was so far into it already, i couldnt/didnt want to go back..


New Member
I have just started my first reef tank (also new to the forum) and I purchased an eclipse 3 Marineland tank. I really like it. It is extremely quiet. However I did have to make modifications to the hood for the lighting and protein skimmer. I updgraded the lighting withe Sunpaq retrofit kit (65 watts instead of 18 watt bulbs) and also put in a Seaclone 100 skimmer on the side of the unit that hangs on. Mods to the hood took about 20 minutes to fit the protein skimmer. So far so good.


Active Member
I have owned an eclipse 6 and a nanocube 12 which is like the bio cube. I dont really like either. The eclipse is junk. Now i use it for a qt tank. The nanocube is ok but its limited in what you can do with it. There are limitations on heating/ cooling, lighting, media, refuge.
Want my advice get a 30 gal cube that is drilled. Use a 15 gal as a refuge and get a light. You will spend more now but be happier later. much happier.


I wasted alot of time, money and effort on the eclipse 12, didn't know any better. Now I have a nano-cube and couldn't be happier. Unless you want to deal with hard to find add ons/ mods go with the cube imo.