bio filter


Active Member
Live sand and live rock rubble. Of course providing the sump is sectioned off to have an area for it. What type of sump?


Active Member
Sorry but I am going to be a pain here.
So you want a sump that will provide biological filtration.
What is in the display and how big is it and will the sump be the only bio-filtering or does the display have sand and rock that will provide some?
You can use a sponge however long term it needs to be cleaned regularly because it will tend to trap nutrients and therefore nitrates. So in cleaning it, it will become less functional as a bio-filter each time it is cleaned and then as it collects more nitrate than the bacteria that reside on it can effectively deal with


Active Member
my DT is 75G, i have about 75 lbs of sand im sure is live by now, and i have some live rock. the raw rock i bought like five months ago is most likely live now. the sump wont be the only source of bio filtration, ill probably use live rock rubble. do i have to have baffles though?