
I just read a thread on Bio-Filtration... I'm still trying to grasp the aspect of not needing mechanical filtration..
I want to setup 2 tanks.
a 29 Gal and a 77-108 Gal.
Both of these tanks are going to be FO with LR & LS.
How much LS (DSB) and LR do I need for each to establish a good bio filtration?
What is an adequate DSB depth?
What Protein Skimmers do you guys suggest for these tanks? Should I use Prizm's for both?
Fshhub, you mentioned you just setup a tank for your boss. What size tank was it?


Active Member
Most people go for a DSB between 4-6". That will give you a good start. As for LR, the more the better, but ultimately it depends on what/how much you plan on keeping in your tank. Messy eaters like triggers will draw a bigger bio load, and require a greater filtering capacity, i.e. more LR, whereas a clown and a few firefish would require much less LR because they will draw less on the bioload of the tank... see what I'm getting at.
FWIW... on a reef tank which typically demands the best water quality, most people say to shoot for a 4-6" DSB and 1.5lbs/gallon of LR.

ed r

I agree completely with Jackson's post. I would just like to point out that the DSB does not have to be made from all live sand as I inferred you thought from your post. That is unnecessary and VERY expensive. Start with 4" of very fine dry/dead sand and then add whatever fine live sand (infested with critters, not only live bacteria) you choose or can afford. It would be good to add at least 10% live sand on top of the dead. An inch or two would be even better. If you were to add 6" of live sand all at once, you would be likely to bury and kill many of the critters that were in the bottom 3". If you used all live sand, you should add it in stages, allowing the critters a week each time to migrate to the top before adding more. Good luck with the tanks.


Active Member
Got another question for everyone and this might help you out too, Tang Man. I seen pics of the "dead" sand and the LS laying on top and I have seen you can see the layers, is it ok to mix it up so it looks more or less like one layer? Thanks ;)