

I am getting my list ready to make sure I am thinking of everything and also to make sure I get the right equipment that way I dont waste my money because I changed my mind.
I am starting from scratch, probally a 55 g tank, maybe a 72 bow front, if I can get the guy talked down a little. For bio filtration I was planning on using a hang bio filter wheel that ran off the filtered water of my canister filter. (see my other post "choosing fish") Now I really dont want all these gagets hanging off my tank. I learned about live rock and sand and was advised to buy live rock and get regular sand assuming that the liverock would spread to the sand. Now will that do the work og the bio wheel to where I wouldnt even need the bio wheel or is still a good idea to have a bio wheel. If so is there a setup where I dont have to hang it on the tank. I was just thinking of something, I am sure if it worked it is probally a commen pratice. But what taking say like a 10g tank placing it under your main tank in the cabinet or whatever and place all your filtration equipment in that and have a pump that takes water from you main tank gets filtered in the small tank and the returned seems like less clutter on your main tank. And as I am finding out and as all you all know this a very decorotive hobby and costly I want it to look professonal and pleasing to the eye. If bad idea please dont laugh just trying to use my noggin.
I think i am turning into a saltwater junkie, i cant seem to get enough info. My wife is having a hard time swallowing the idea that I am going to spend about a grand of tax return on this project, she is coming around though.