Bio Load equation?


is there a such thing?
because i don't really know how many inches of fish are allow to add into x amount of gallons in the T period of time?
how me out, thank


Active Member
general rule is 1 inch per 5 galons of fish, figured on the adult not the purchased size
this is not concrete, many push it a bit, but most don't push it a whole lot, it takes a good bio filter and a stable mature system


so it should be OK if I add coral beauty, half black, Hi-fin cardinal and Six line (maybe plus a Firefish) at the same time into my 75R tank with about 85-90 lbl of LR.
thanks folks

kris walker

Active Member
Then there are tangs, which if you have in this concentration, you will get "advised" everytime you talk about them on this board. Whether or not for good reason, that is a debate that I'm not trying to start by any means. :)


Go for it Krusk, but dont get anymore. Im not sure about everyones opinions on fish, sometimes combinations work, sometimes they dont. Plenty of anomolies (did i spell that right) in this hobby, but personally, you list sounds ok to me. DONT OVERFEED!

sinner's girl

I wouldn't add the fish all at the same time...add them over a period of time, adding the most territoral (sp) last.