Bio Load of an Anemone??


I am wanting to ad a pair of maroon clowns and an anemone at the same time. I am wondering what the bio load of an anemone is. are these three animals too much at once?
Also i am trying to decide between a long testicle vs. a bubble tip. Any suggestions, the pair of maroons is a for sure thing.


Active Member
The anenomie does not have the same impact on your bio load as a fish. As far as exact numbers? I cant answer that. I do know that I put 5 things in my tank in 2 days, 3 corals and a fire shrimp, and the second day a Florida Condi Anenomie. No change in my levels thus far, its been over 2 weeks now.
I also have a green bubble tip in there too. I like it the best, but I dont have a LTA.


Well i dumped a BTA, Maroon Clown(2 inches), and 2 anemone crabs in yesterday. I'll keep an eye on the levels but i think everything should be ok. The clown and one of the crabs are already hosting the BTA. The other crab liked a piece of pulsing Xenia better.