Bio LOAD ????


i have a 20g tank w/ LR&LS. i have an aquaC remora skimmer w/ maxijet1200, aquaclear 200gph (hob) filter, and a power head @200gph. all conditions are good only thing is nitrates around 10ppm. i have 1 coral beauty, 1 royal gramma, 3 nass. snails, 1 turbo snail, 1 red star, one peppermint shrimp, 1 rock anemone, 1 sally light foot, green ricoda coral and umbrella coral. i have 80 watts of lighting total (65 coralife 50/50)&(15 watt flouresent). the tank had been fine so far with the skimmer taking about loads of crap. could i add a B&W clown fish and still maintain a decent bioload?


Active Member
Pushing on the bioload especially when the Angel grows. I thin the Gramma might get a little put out also and put the hurt on the new fish.
Let's see what others say.


I am new, but it sounds like you are at max load, or very close to it. I wouldnt add anything else until the water quality is up to par. Especially in a 20g.


Originally Posted by CPG
I am new, but it sounds like you are at max load, or very close to it. I wouldnt add anything else until the water quality is up to par. Especially in a 20g.
water quality is excellent, im thinking im about at max for the amount of bioload i can have in a 20g. i see people will the same size tanks w/ 2 clowns a blenny, and anemone and corals so i wasnt sure if three fish would be too much. thanks for the help though. prob wont add any more fish just some corals.