bio spira



Has anyone heard of bio spira i was told it cycled a tank in four days os that true, also is there anyway to spead up the cycle in a new tank.
I have a 75 gallon tank do i have to have live rock in it, i planned on just havin rock from the store and a bunch of aggressive fish.


Active Member
You should just let your tank cycle using a piece of raw shrimp. Most people don't recommend the things that jump start or shorten your cycle. The book that is most commonly recommended on here is "A conscientienous (sp) Marine Aquarist" by Robert Fenner


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
You should just let your tank cycle using a piece of raw shrimp. Most people don't recommend the things that jump start or shorten your cycle. The book that is most commonly recommended on here is "A conscientienous (sp) Marine Aquarist" by Robert Fenner
i wish my library carried that one!


Active Member
Originally Posted by cain420
i wish my library carried that one!

That's how I got to read it. It's expensive.


Ill tell you I cant wait for things lol. I used bio spria love it I have had a tank up sence dec with no problems


can i put raw shrimp in it if there is damsels in there


Active Member
if u have damsels already, i would not try to push the cycle too hard, for it will kill them... the damsels are creating ammonia as you read this by eating and pooping! the shrimp would give u alot more ammonia.. u could take the damsels out and add the shrimp though.. i bet your damsels would love you for it!


Active Member
live rock gives your tank decor, gives the fish somewhere to hide and get away from the water flow if they want to, and provides a place for algae to grow, as well as housing for biological filtration. It is possible to have a tank without it, but a tank your size, and the money it costs for fish, why risk it? do you have a refugium?


Active Member
Do not put raw shrimp in with the damsels! If you have fish in there they will cycle your tank, but they won't be happy about it.


Active Member
a refugium is just that.. a refuge for algae to grow and help with oxygenation and lowering nitrates.. you can put critters in there that you dont want in the display tank too... if the tank is not drilled, an overflow box is used.. basically its a sump without the wet/dry filter and with live sand, live rock (sometimes) and lots of algae! algae, and most plants for that fact, use photosynthesis to take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen.. at night, it does the opposite, removes oxygen and releases co2.. a fuge, or refugium is usually lighted at night or 24/7 to aid in oxygenating the water... anyone with a reef tank, usually has a fuge..


i have rock in the tank that i bought in the store wont algae build up on that


Active Member
is it just normal rock? like for freshwater tanks? im not too sure as to the differences, but i know good live rock has lots of holes in it for things to hide and the cheapest u can usually get it is $5/lb, unless you happen to find a good deal! algae will grow on anything pretty much if u let it.. itll grow on the glass, the sand, the powerheads, etc.