bio spira


not worth the money IMO a natural cycle process is the way to go. some of these products also cause alot of algae problems later down the road.


Active Member
The money is better used on live rock which actually, surely, will help your tank for years to come...not just in cycling and biological filtration.


Active Member
if you were starting with all dead rock and sand it would be a way to introduce bacteria thats it. If your usingt any live rock at all you dont need it.but it does work as a way to colonize bacteria if there is none present. expensive though. make sure its fresh if you use it.


Active Member
I'm sorry but introducing nitrosomanas or nitrospira bacteria is not going to cause algae, its not possible. possibly some of the ingredients in the cheaper products may cause an algae bloom, that is possible but long term, no way, the algae would consume the minor amount of what ever was in the product then an remaining algae growth would be from tank conditions. not from this ever lingering residue, its just not possible. Sorry.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kidreef
okay so maybe it cause my tank is next to a window
and i got 200 post yay me
that wasnt directed at you, please dont take it as a personal attack.
the statement I made was an observation based on more than one post, and my knowledge of input versus dilution and consumption. your input is as valuable as someone who has 56,000 posts.


YES this stuff great i just got a 150 gallon reef tank 2 weeks ago i put 12 of the small pack of that stuff and ive put in 4 clowns 2 yellow tangs in yestorday and all is well so yes i think this stuff is great


Active Member
I wasnt impressed with the results of the marine formula, I tried it, and it seemed to shorted the cycle a little, but live rock will cycle a tank much quicker. I did use the freshwater formula on a tank I set up, and it worked great.


I have setup many many tanks and used several different methods.
useing the quick cycle products always caused more algae than other methods after cycle. its not a matter of does it work because it does its bacteria cultures but does it work well NO its causes more problems in the long run than the short term benifits of useing it.


I've only ever used this in FW tanks, and So long as you have an ammonia reading then it will work, I've never tried the marine formula. But if you get an ammonia reading then add the Bio Spira, it will actually help to hasten the cycle. But from what I've noticed, if you don't have the patience to wait for the cycle, you're going to be totally at odds with SW. Besides, that's an expensive product, you could so just get more live rock and wait the extra three days that it cuts off the cycle and have more stuff in your tank!