bio wheel filters will they do for a reef tank to start out???


I have emp 400g per hr x2 and 2 of the 150's for a total of 1100 gph of bio wheel filters. My question is will they do the job for the time being??? Or should I wait to buy my softies and anenomies after I set up a wet dry sump? I will be getting a remora skimmer this weekend. I setup a 125g tank. The fish seem happy. But will the corals ? I also have 1410 gallons per hr worth of power heads to move more water around.
I am moving a total of 2510 gallons an hour. So that puts me at 20x tank turnover an hr.
Is that going to work. I know a refugium set up under the tank is the way to go but between the tank, light 6x96=576watt pc, Live rock and other items (fish :) ) it has taken a toll ..... on the pocket book.