Biocube 29?


New Member
i thought i would try my luck in the agressive forum as i have had no luck in the other forums, can i keep a mantis shrimp in a biocube 29? would this be enough for an adult mantis even if i go with a smaller species mantis shrimp, thanks and sorry if i am overcrowding the forums i am really desperate to get a mantis shrimp


I am unsure about the size being ok but I know that the biocubes are know cracking and then leaking I have had 1 that did it and my buddy has had it happen, I would worry about it cracking the sides because of there nature


Active Member
Maybe try posting something like What tank needed to keep a mantis and the people that keep them might be more prone to seeing what your thread is about.
I never kept a mantis myself but I would agree with hitachi753 that the biocube tanks are very thin glass. I cracked my 14gl (empty) while applying pressure with a scraper while trying to get hardened calcium deposits off of the inside front the other evening.
Now it is in the trash.


New Member
I have heard if you put plexi glass under sand and rocks this would be safice is this method plausable for safeguarding myself for puting a mantis in a biocube 29 or is a mantis out of the question? Again thanks a million


Active Member
I have set up a 14 gallon biocube for a mantis . I plan on upgrading after it out grows the tank . But its my opinion that Mantis are fine in bio cubes or in nano. The plexyglass under the sand is good for larger mantis such as peacocks . Smaller mantis such as smithi and Wernera should not be able to break the glass as they just arent big enough .


New Member
thankyou all for your input i will definately put a mantis in my biocube 29 but i will use plexi glass even though i will get a smaller mantis.