Biocube 29g: Hinging the Hood!(need help)

Okay guys,
The lid has finally got to me. I would like to hinge the back of it, but I dont want to damage the hood. Has anyone had any luck designing a hinge that would support the wieght of the hood.
I think if I were to get two basic hinges (I.E. Stainless Locking Take Apart Hinges), and fill the three

holes with Rare earth magnets.
I then would take 4 counter magnets to hold everything in place.
Would that hold it? Would the magnets collide due to strength?
Let me know your thoughts.


I thought of hinging my hood too. I am concerned with how flimsy the back plastic is. I think it would tear or split over time. I was thinking about cutting a piece of 1/4" aluminum plate to fit across the whole inside of the back. I think I will rivet that every inch and a half or so on the top and bottom. Then I will install the hinges with small bolts. that way the plastic is sandwiched between metal and reinforced for support.
I think that your magnet idea is cool, but if I understand your plan correctly, they would have to be strong as hell to hold the weight steady.
Just my $.02