Biocube 8 cooling


well, nice and warm today, I didnt realize how warm my place got. I came home from work, noticed the tank temp up to 86!!!! I checked the heater, it was off, but just the room itself was warm.
Any biocube 8 cooling ideas out there?


ive heard ppl place a bag of ice in the tank to chill stuff out, but i never personally tried that with my 12g.


not sure about the ice, maybe a quick fix. I am looking for more long term fixes, im sure that the temp would just come back up again after the ice is gone.


Iv'e been having trouble with my temp in my 14g now that its getting warmer. Try to find a setting where the heater mixes with the room temp and gets a desired temp the tank was originaly at. I also keep a small desk fan next to the tank in case it gets to hot.(this helps alot)


You can try to modify the hood to add some ventilation and small fans, but it is a pain in the butt. You can drill the back of the tank and add a bulkhead and iceprobe cooler, but that is also a pain and involves draining the tank and a $100 chiller. For a temp fix you can half prop the hood up and direct a fan at it. The heat is probably coming from your lights and the ambient temp more than the heater.
Adding a bag of ice to your tank is likely going to make the problem worse, because it will swing to a cool temp when the ice is new and then swing hot once it has melted.