Biocube anemone


How long should a 14g biocube be set up before you add an anemone?
Is it just a bad idea to put a anemone in a 14g? My LFS says it has good lighting for it, better ratio than a 29g, but one anemone is all the room for coral it will have. Thoughts?
Do you guys think it would be better to just get various corals and skip the anemone? I like the longer tentacles...


Just do other corals. The PCs on the biocube won't support the anemone for long term ,and most nems grow too big for it.


Active Member
100% agree. The lights on the BC14 are not strong at all, to keep anything that needs high light requires removing the top and putting a metal halide fixture on.


Active Member
I think you should just stick with some other cool corals. I am sure there are some Anems out there that would be just fine... especiallyu if the anem went higher in the tank, but to answer the time question IF you get one... I have seen 8 months to a year.
PS. the lighting on the 14G biocube doesnt suck at all lol its actually plenty of lighting, 48 watts for only 14.8 gallons? thats a lot of watts per gallon IMO


Stock lighting in a 14 biocube cannot support even a bta. I have one in mine but it is the size of a silver dollar and I upgraded to t5's. I have a much larger tank with MH I can move it to if needed. You are making a big mistake if you put one in that tank, just trying to save you from a heartache. I vote "stick with corals, many LPS and softies will thrive in your lighting.


Active Member
LPS will also be very bothersome to other inhabitants in your tank. Esp, torch, hammer and frogspawn corals or any LSP that have long sweeper type tenticals. They also tend to have a very potent sting, far worse than a bubble tip anemone. If you have one keeping it away from other corals is a chore in such a small tank. JMO.


Active Member
Just wanted to add that not all torch, frogspawn and hammers have long sweepers. My torch does not, and neither does a few of my friends torches and frogspawns.


Thanks everyone.
Do you know of any corals that clowns are more prone to host in?
I know frogspawn and flower pots have a good chance...
I've heard that torch corals can close up when being hosted... and if to stressed from the play they'll die. Are all corals like this?
my clowns currently host in my hairy green mushrooms...ewven though i have a bta in shrooms would be a route to consider


Flower pot, gonaporia are not easy corals to keep, I had ocellaris host hairy mushrooms and a finger leather.


Active Member
save us all from certain anxiety attacks and DONT buy a flowerpot and put it in a bio14 with stock lighting.
I would stick with LPS and long tentacled softys. If you plan you tank out correctly you will see the 'motion' and long tentacles you are looking for