Biocube Pump Help?


Active Member
Which pump is in the biocube 14?
I think mine is going out and Im gonna need to order a new one...
Also whats an upgrade one for these cubes


hey nissan did you upgrade your pump, i got the maxi 1200 but was wondering what you might have done?


Active Member
yep. i put a maxi 1200 for my return, a maxi 900 in the DT and a K1 as well. im adding another K1 real soon


Active Member
I replaced my 29 biocube pump with a Rio 6hf. Don't know if it will fit in the 14 though. 350 gph (stock 243) with less wattage used so less heat in the water.
he Rio 6HF HyperFlow Powerhead Flow rate is 350 gph.
* Max head: 6 feet
* Connections: 5/8" output
* Dimensions: 3.9" X 2" X 2.5"
* Titanium impeller shaft with ceramic bearings
* For freshwater and saltwater use
* Complete with mounting bracket and suction cups, strainer with sponge pre-filter and inlet and outlet adapters
* Must be fully submersed