biocube refugium.

how do i get middle chamber to be a higher water level? im making it into a fuge and want it to be as high as possible, also, i just bought a 20 watt halogen light. is that enough for chaeto to grow in? thanks.


Active Member
don't think you can without serious mods because the flow goes from the bottom to the last chamber. You would have to remove the entire chamber system, close bottom off and open at top from 2nd to last section.


Active Member
I have a 20w on mine. Its actually overpowered, and I have the light about 6 inches away from the tank.
Also, no one ever mentions this, but be prepared to scrape algae off the glass back there, otherwise the chaeto doesn't get the light.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cherish life.
i think im going to try to mod it, any more suggestions anyone? the project will be started tomorrow.
Take some time and look around here. You'll find a 'Biocube mod' thread, I'm sure.
My only suggestion is to hook the light up first. It helps to see what you're doing back there.
Oh, and set the light to go on at night, a half hour to an hour after the tank lights have shut off. This way your water won't get too warm.


i have read stuff saying that you can cut the top of the separator between chamber 1 and two to increase flow... i also used a submergeable led light fixture that i just put in the back for the chaeto... pretty cheap on ----.