Bioload ???'s


I have a 72 gallon bow front. I currently have the following items in there:
1 carpet anemone
1 other other anemone (white with yellow tips, tentacles are about 1 1/2-2 inches long)
1 yellow gorgonian
2 feather dusters
2 percula clowns
1 coral beauty angel
1 kole tang
1 black cap basslet
1 yellow clown gobie
1 bicolor blenny
about 75-100 hermits
about 75-100 snails, various types
1 emerald crab
1 sally lightfoot crab
6 peppermint shrimp
I have a 29 gallon sump/refug under a plumbed tank. I have some more crabs and snails in my sump/refugium. I am looking to add maybe 2 more fish, then try my hand with corals. Please let me know if I am overloading the system in your opinion(s). Thanks.


The fish you listed are pretty small species so depending on what you were wanting to put in the tank I think it would work. How long has the system been up and running?


I was looking at adding a couple of wrasse, I posted another thread looking for suggestions on which types of wrasse would work in the tank. The tank has been up and running for like a year and a half now, though it was in a 55 gallon unplumbed tank then I moved everything into the 72 gallon about 10 months ago. I was having trouble with nitrates in the other tank, no such problems with the sump/refugium on the new tank.


Active Member
could you post a pic of your tank .. the 72g bow is my favorite tank ( i just love the way it looks ! : )


Trey asked me to post a pic of my tank, so here it is. Pretty bland so far, the corraline(not sure how to spell that) is spreading slowly, but it is slowly but surely.