

New Member
Do shrimp, crabs & stars add to your bioload like fish do? I'm not planning on adding any but it's just something I've never been clear on. Do you have to wait to a few weeks to add them if you recently added fish? Or can you add them a few days after adding new fish?
Also, does anyone have a pom pom crab? I would consider getting one of these, they look really cool. Do they come with their "pom poms" when you order online? I just never found out much info on them.


Snails, stars and other clean up critters do not add to your bioload. You can add them whenever you like (after your cycle that is).
I have a pom pom crab...really I do. I've had two sightings this week! It's been in the tank for probably 1 1/2 months, and I get to see it every once in a while. REALLY pretty crab and mine came with it's pom poms. I know it's shed once since I found it's shell. I got mine at my LFS so we able to pick out a good one. I'm wondering, since I got my corals and started adding DT to the tank, if this hasn't caused him to be more visable.