Biowheel or not?

jimmy dix

New Member
I have a 90 gal tank with an underground filter with two powerheads. Do I need a Biowheel? If I do what kind should I get?


I know it's a pain...but you really need to get rid of the UGF...go with a go HOT filter with or w/o bio wheel..your choice...a skimmer would be great...also some live rock...Just my .02


Yeah i agree, ditch the UGF. I have marineland filters on my tank, they work great. Also if you get some LR and PCs or VHO for lighting you'll be alot happier with your tank. Looks alot more natural than that fake coral and also provides Bio filtration.
Okay, everyone says get rid of the UGF? I've got two 35 Gallon tanks, had them both for about three years now. One's a 35 standard retangular tank and the other is a 35 Hex. When I set up the Hex for salt everyone told me it wouldn't work for salt. I used an underground filter and put white filter floss under it. I also have a bio wheel filter on it. So far I've have never had any problems with this tank at all. The standard 35 has only the bio wheel and I have had alot of problems with water quality. I've got a Maroon Clown, Watchman Goby, a basslet, two lyretail blennies, a sallylightfoot, two bluelegs, a pristol shrimp, a serpent star, anemonies and lots of mushrooms in the Hex. The standard only has a Hawk, Lunare wrasse, Sponge and a few anemonies. I've seriously considered taking the standard apart and using a UGF in it. Any ideas on why the UGF seems to work in the Hex?? I really am interested. Don't ask me why I put the filter floss under the UGF it just seemed like a good idea when I first setup the tank. I had never done a saltwater tank before. Anyway would love to hear anyones take on the whole thing.


I took the UGF out of my 55 a month ago and you would not believe the nasty stuff under there. I'm running my base rock through that tank now and it has never looked better.


Use both. UGF don't get much O2 to grow aerobic bacteria. No, you don't need a bio wheel. Some people even argue that they increase Nitrates(probably just doing its job). I had my 40 going for 8 months and then added a Emporer 280(bio-wheel). I was filtering with just my Fluval before and just wanted something I could run phosphate sponge and carbon in with out taking the Fluval apart. I will say this though, you don't clean a biowheel, so you don't disturb that part of the filter when you clean the other filters you're using.