Bite or tail rot



I have 3 fish in hypo right now. 2 clowns and a sixline wrasse
I inspect them everyday to watch their progress
This morning and found a large chunk taken out of the fin of the sixline
The weird thing is it's the the feathery fin on it's back
I cant take a pic because the fish move too fast
SO i got a pick from the internet and doctored so the pic is attached
how can i tell if it's something like tail rot (if that exists in marine fish)
or if it's a bite from another fish
i did see the new clown chase him once but it didnt look like a serious threat he just warned him
should i feed more?? i mean they do seem starving
what else can i do?
they have another 2.5 weeks in hypo and dont want to stress the sixline out
could water quality do this?? the nitrites are high but i did a water change and the fish seems healthy otherwise


would soaking the food in fresh garlic suffice?
there is another chunk out of the tail
Im not sure what to do now
I dont see extreme agression when I watch the tank but peices of the tail aren't just falling of either
what else can i do/ add to help?
Should I add more hiding places or feed more?


How long have you had the clowns? One may be becoming female and is a bit hostile right now. Garlic will help the immune system. I would seriously consider picking up some vitamins though. I use Zoecon myself. I recently bought a pair of maroon clowns with chunks missing out of their fins. They are healing wonderfully with the addition of Zoecon. It has been a little over two weeks.
Oh right, your fish are in the QT in hypo right? Adding some more shelter may help.


I bought the one clown with the wrasse about 7 months now
I bought the new clown 4 weeks ago
The older clown has always been fine with the wrasse and still seems calm but then again i dont stare at the tank all day
I will pick up zeocon as soon as i can... i dont have any local fish stores unfortunately so i may be out of luck until i can order it
Hopefully more shelter will help... they have 2.5 weeks to go and at this rate the sixline will have no fins at all left


ok Today I have no new additions to the sixline wrasse BUT now the smaller clown has a chunk out of the fin
Im not sure what to do...
when it was just the sixline i was going to consider putting a divider in the tank... but I cant seperate the clowns can I?
I soaked food in garlic and zoo marine overnight (I can use that until i get zeocon)... the sixline ate it but the smaller clown did not... to make matters worse he didn't eat the pellets either... I will wait and attempt to feed him again n hope he eats
Can someone explain what tail rot looks like? Im very nervous it's something like that.


If it is tail rot what can i Do to threat them while in Hyposalinity?


Originally Posted by jamiegrl
If it is tail rot what can i Do to threat them while in Hyposalinity?
Tail rot is very jagged and frayed looking. There will often be bloody streaks as well. If need be you can use Maracyn 2 for freshwater fish. That is not tail rot on the wrasse though.


I definately agree with you after looking at pics all day that they are bites
I was thinking tail rot because the tail fin seemed to have a white/grey patch but it's just bitten off
I did see the larger clown bite the smaller clown in the exact area where there chunk of his fin is bitten off so I guess i caught him red handed!
So if the larger clown is becoming a female how long will the agression last?
Would a tank divider be a bad thing if it gets much worse??
I did add more shelter but I guess there is no hiding from her

and other ideas besides adding zeocon and waiting it out?
by the way THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP!!!!! I know I can be a spaz