Biz research assignment- ALL answers appreciated!!


How much would you be willing to invest in a LFS (or would you invest at all) that offered knowledgable, honest, caring employees dedicated to making the hobby better instead of a fast buck, fast, friendly customer service, good selection, good prices, the very best husbandry practices, and a variety of services (in short, a DREAM of a LFS!) knowing that you would not see a return on your investment for at least several years and then only if the business succeeded? Would you consider working there? What pay, hours, and benefits would you expect? Would you shop there? How often would you shop there relative to how often you'd shop their competition? Would you shop there more often even if the prices were higher in order to do some good for the hobby overall as opposed to another local store with better prices but otherwise poor practices? If you lived too far away would you buy from them online? Would you donate services, livestock, used dry goods, or anything else non-monetary? What kind of guarantees would you expect? What kind of livestock, dry goods, and services would you most like to see offered? Do you feel your area really needs a store like this (please give a rough idea of where you live)? Please explain your answers and thanks in advance for any and all thoughts you can give me on this.

darth tang

Active Member
I know investors are the easiest way to gain capital to start a business, but I do not recommend this. As investors, they will want a voice in your business and how it is run. Silent partners will be hard to find and might not agree with your practices. Their whole mind set as partners will be profit versus fish care. Plus then you are giving themn back a percentage and will take a lot longer for YOU to see a profit.


Aww thanks for watching my back and the answer too, Darth (I'd give ya a smootchie smiley but we don't have one here
Don't worry, I'm not exploring these as a means to my goal but more as getting a feel for the sentiment in our saltwater hobbyist community so that I can plan things better.